Sunday, November 02, 2008

September and October 2008

Okay so we haven't posted anything on this blog since June. We are sorry...but you know life gets so crazy it's hard to take the time to update this. I have posted 3 new posts (Sept & Oct, August was busy and July update) so check them all out.


Halloween is alway memorable in our home. We just go up and down the street and the kids get tons of candy. Rebekah dressed up as a ladybug and Oakley was Ironman.They were adorable as they knocked on the door and said, "Trick or treating!" Hey at least it's better than last year when Oakley kept on saying, "Halloween" instead of trick or treat or Happy Halloween. lol

Thanksgiving was super fun we went to Kamloops (Saturday) and had dinner with Jay and Milissa Ewing and their family. Great food, fun, and video games!!! On Thanksgiving Sunday we had Audrey, Jesse & Desiree, and Jan over for turkey dinner...good job on the food Gin you are awesome!How many families played Nintendo Wii during the holiday? Probably a ton because it's a fun family event.
Oakley started his swimming lessons...our boys is growing up. He loved going twice a week to learn how to swim. Julia Zseder and the Summit Pacific College worship team came to our church and led the music for our preteen, youth and young adults. It was great to see her again. Mikey I missed you I hope you had an amazing time at the Notre Dame - Huskies game...wish I was with you buddy!

Gin and I celebrated our 9th anniversary! Wow. We went to dinner at Earl's it was awesome. Honey I am so glad we are married and I look forward to growing old with you. I love you VERY much.Our good friends Hugh and Heather Cyr came to visit with their 3 cute kids. It was a great day of visiting and laughter. Move back to BC it's better.


I had missed putting up a picture of our backyard. It looked great...didn't get too hot and we watered it SO much...don't want to see the water bill. In this picture my dad helped us put up the swing set they bought the's sweet. AND Ginny's dad helped us big time as well with the awesome flower garden to make the backyard look so much better. Both jobs where a lot of work.

We went to the IPE in Armstrong again. Our kids LOVE it there. Tons of rides, games, animals, and people. Ginny's mom and dad came with us and there were a few HILARIOUS moments. Remember the girl on the little motor cross bike who couldn't stop crashing into the bails of hay? hahahaThis was the only time Rebekah was not crying on this ride...but somehow she loved it and talked about it for a month about the purple horsey ride.

We had a great summer with tons of family fun and memories. BELOW is more that happen in the summer.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

August was busy!

It was a crazy busy August. Here's the update!

Rebekah our baby turned TWO! Time is flying next thing you know she's going to be graduated high school. It was a princess party and so Rebekah wore her princess dress Ginny got her in Disneyland. She was so cute.My mom made a beautiful and delicious princess cake (thanks mom!). All Bekah's friends were there celebrating.Ginny and the kids went to her parents cabin on Horsefly Lake as I was at Chubb Lake Teen Camp with the youth. Ginny laid on the dock sun tanning every day while my in-laws where dealing with the kids. I missed them all so much and was pumped to come home to see my family again.
Oakley and I went to the new Star Wars Movie THE CLONE WARS. He wanted to dress up like Darth Vader. So I couldn't refuse...he was so cute going into the theatre and getting popcorn with his light sabre and outfit. No I didn't wear the helmet.

Kempner's in July 08

This is our July where we took a major trip to CALIFORNIA. We hit D-land and had a great time. We went without the kids...woohoo! Would have been way too stressful with them. I have been wanting to take Ginny to Disneyland for years but she keeps getting pregnant I have no idea how that keeps happening...lolD-land was so clean. The fireworks were amazing and music was everywhere. The place is TOP notch .Here we are enjoying each other, freedom, fun and going on rides. Of course Ginny loves rides but I loved being there with her. We took tons of pictures and saw all the big stars (Mickey, Minnie, Pluto, The Incredibles, Alladin, Cinderella, etc You get the point. We loved the California Adventure ride California SOARING...a must see.I can't stand rides. I used to love Splash Mountain but that little major drop was nasty. I look like I am going to puke or die (I didn't do either). Meanwhile Ginny is going on all the rides that have intense drops and getting off then going on it again within minutes with the express lane as I watched her.
This is the McCullah's who I stayed with during my internship in Bakersfield, California in the summer of 1996. It had been 12 years since I was last there. Their daughter Elizabeth McCullah was marrying another student from the youth ministry named Andy Tipton. It was an honour to be invited. We had a great time seeing old people all grown up now and it was awesome to be with my McCullah family. We love them so much. The young lady in this picture is Emily she was Rebekah's age when I was there now she is all grown up and an incredible Godly young lady. She is the reason I wanted to have a baby girl. Lance and Leeta have blessed me so much. Thanks for everything!

Ginny's good friend from high school was out to visit from Florida. We went to Kamloops to meet up with her and her daughter. We went to the Kamloops wildlife park were we saw bears, a moose, wolves, owls, bison, deer, etc. Our kids loved it. It was great to see Tanya and her beautiful little girl. Here's a great pictures of Oakley and Rebekah with the goats. They were petting them and hearing them toot! lol Click on this picture to really see their facial expressions it is priceless.

My parents came to visit and we always love that. My dad brought down his newly purchased boat. There was only one night we had the time to go on the water so we dared the waves and went. Well it was very rocky. I loved it. But my daughter and mother didn't enjoy themselves because it was too rocky. But as you can imagine I loved it. It was quite the adventure loading the boat up and getting it to out house but now we know how to manually bring up the boat motor when the electric lifter is broken. Good memories, right dad.JUNE

Also our good friends the Days from Ladysmith came to visit us. We had a great time together. Thanks for coming to visit guys we love you.