Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Black & White Picture

This is a picture of Oakley and I at Gavin and Becky Brisco's wedding. Oakley was the ring bearer. He carried a bear bigger than him down most of the aisle before coming to dad. My eyes have been coloured but the photographer said, "those are Oakleys natural eyes". We love his eyes and this picture. Thanks Brian you the man and a great photographer!

Friday, August 11, 2006

Children Resting With Dad

Here's a new picture of our family. Just resting from a LONG night after Rebekah was up. Of course I was sleeping. Hey I don't have the baby equipment needed in the night. Okay I was still up just playing Halo 2 with Andrew and John. On my holidays too.

***Oakley update: He just loves his baby sister. He can count to 6 sometimes. He knows what babies say "Gaga Googoo". Pee's on the floor not on the potty. He loves to dance to most music always loved Manafest (check his website out www.manafest.ca). In his daily sports quiz he still knows every sport (learned that from his mom...jj). In the above picture doesn't Oakley's diaper look huge?

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Perfect Family?

I have heard this term given to our family about 10 times since Rebekah has been born...you have a PERFECT FAMILY.

Really? We have reached perfection! Finally we reached Nirvana. See this is where the Mormons have gone wrong it's not how many kids you have as long as you have one boy and one girl. Does it have to be in that order? So are you telling me that since Ginny came from a family of 3 girls and I came from a family from 3 boys we weren't perfect? Or am I just reading into this statement too much?

I know I am striving for perfection and will become perfect like God is perfect when I get to heaven but it feels good to reach perfection so early in our earthly life. For all you imperfect people out there...sucks to be you! Just joking.

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Want to read something God wrote to us?

God wrote:
"For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb.

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place.

When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body.

All the days ordained for me were written in your book
before one of them came to be."

Psalm 139:13-16

BIG BROTHER little sister

We are pleasantly surprise that Oakley loves to hold and kiss his little sister Rebekah. He points and says, "Baby."

We are finding Rebekah to be adorable. So tiny but just precious.

Ginny is doing great. A little sore of course but in great spirits. She is an incredible mother. Sometimes we think this is the dream child so far. When Oakley was 3 WEEKS he slept for the 1st time 3 hrs in a row! Rebekah did that the first night sleeping 6 hrs straight. She sleeps a lot but we don't mind because we had our share of late nights with Oak. Rebekah is a little nocturnal sleeping a ton in the day and up hanging out after midnight. I guess it's all apart of being a parent.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

It's a GIRL!

We are proud to introduce to you our beautiful baby GIRL:

Born in Nanaimo, BC
August 3rd 2006 2:15 PM
8 pds 2 oz 21.5 inches long

We arrived at the hospital at 4 AM and Ginny was amazing...if you want more details about the delivery just ask us later. My wife is such a strong woman. She's feeling great. We are so pumped we finally got a baby girl. The heart rate was so low we were thinking it's a boy.

Rebekah has blue eyes...dark hard and she looks just like Oakley did. Not as big of a cone head but eyes wide open and so cute. We are truly blessed by God. 10 fingers and toes and completely healthy.

We had the whole gang in the delivery room. Me, Glenda (Ginny's mom), Larina & Ronnda (Ginny's sisters), Milissa Ewing (Ginny's best friend since 3), and Larry her dad was in the lobby sleeping.

Ginny will be in the hospital tonight and will probably be released tomorrow afternoon.

What an phenomenal experience...there is NO way someone can say there is no God. God your a wonderful maker and we are amazed by you. Thanks for everything. We love you.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Water Broke!

Okay so tonight at 10:10 PM Ginny's water broke! BUT she isn't having contractions. SO tomorrow at 10:45 AM she already has a doctor's appointment. So if she doesn't get major contractions tonight or early morning the doctor will diagnose her.

I am SO excited maybe a little Rebekah or a little Jacob! Can't wait to see you little one!

Pray for us eh?