Saturday, November 10, 2007

October at the Kempner House

We've had a fun October.
Can you believe that Christmas is next month??
Oakley wakes up every day and asks, "Is it Christmas yet??"
Meet Spider Man & the Pink Poodle!!
Oakley & Rebekah were very cute on Halloween. We would knock on a door & Oakley would say, "Halloween!!"
After Rebekah was given a candy she'd say, "Dank Doo!!"

We spent Thanksgiving in Quesnel & had a blast! It was our very first road trip with our children where the actually DIDN'T cry. This is a huge milestone for us as our kids are BRUTAL in the car!! We gave Trevor's dad a suprise 60th Birthday Party while we were there.

This is Trev's brother Shane & his girlfriend Sarah.

The Jersey boys.

Oakley gearing up for a Vernon Vipers Hockey game.

Rebekah has started wearing her hair in pigtails - isn't she cute!! It's so fun having a girl!!

So far Rebakah has taken 15 steps!! She's getting so big!