Saturday, November 01, 2008

August was busy!

It was a crazy busy August. Here's the update!

Rebekah our baby turned TWO! Time is flying next thing you know she's going to be graduated high school. It was a princess party and so Rebekah wore her princess dress Ginny got her in Disneyland. She was so cute.My mom made a beautiful and delicious princess cake (thanks mom!). All Bekah's friends were there celebrating.Ginny and the kids went to her parents cabin on Horsefly Lake as I was at Chubb Lake Teen Camp with the youth. Ginny laid on the dock sun tanning every day while my in-laws where dealing with the kids. I missed them all so much and was pumped to come home to see my family again.
Oakley and I went to the new Star Wars Movie THE CLONE WARS. He wanted to dress up like Darth Vader. So I couldn't refuse...he was so cute going into the theatre and getting popcorn with his light sabre and outfit. No I didn't wear the helmet.


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