Sunday, September 03, 2006

Does God still heal today?

This summer our friend Trisha Gieni had been diagnosed with Rheumatoid Arthritis. Rheumatoid Arthritis is when your body’s immune system is attacking your joints and doctors don’t know why it does that. Usually this condition happens to older people and being 20 yrs old the doctors were shocked and really concerned. She visited two doctors and one specialist. They took test after test. She thinks she got 16 blood tests.

The doctor’s solution was that Trisha would just have to live with this condition. They put her on medication just to help with the pain and gave her some exercises to do.
Trisha determined that God would heal her. She talked to and emailed her friends and let them know what was going on.
People responded well. People emailed prayers, prayed with her over the phone, prayed over her during the prayer ministry time here at Bethel, our worship team prayed over her, she went forward at Teen Camp for prayer and of course her family gathered around her at home for to ask God for a healing.
When this condition came upon her she would have pain in her wrists, fingers, hips, knees, shoulders, toes, ankles, etc. There was one time where she couldn’t walk for 2 days. Another time her body was embodied for 3 hrs straight. She couldn’t work. Even in the midst of her toughest days Trisha just felt that it wasn’t going to last and she would be healed. She said there was so much prayer that it was evitable that she would be healed.
One day she just felt better even healed. She went to the specialist and told him she didn’t feel pain anymore. She professed that she was now pain free and hadn’t been taking her medication for 2 weeks.
Of course the specialist sent her for some more tests. All the tests came back negative to RA and she has been healthy ever since. So of course the specialist thought maybe she had picked up a bug overseas. Trisha had been in England during the last school year and her ministry team went to Malta (where Paul was shipwrecked in the Bible) doing missions for a month. And somehow Trisha had gotten a bug.
But when you ask Trisha, “So what do you think happened?” she responds, “Something was obviously wrong with me. Either I had RA and was healed or had some kind of bug and was healed.” Trisha really feels that God has touched her life and brought a healing to her body. Praise the Lord!


At 7:17 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Trev... God did heal today!! Talk to my mom or I

At 12:13 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

I have an update sort of blog request. It is

P.S I hate this picture of me!!! It is like 3 years old! Thanks for the blog story though; I feel special :)

At 12:33 p.m., Blogger Paul & Wanda Moores said...

The best part of that story is what Trisha said at the end about either it was RA or a bug but either way God healed her.

God is still in control andwe are still NOT in control. THe doctor is also NOT in control.

Trisha's biggest kudo comes from her determination to praise God through her circumstances.

Oh if people could be healed of their "un-God-focussed" points of view and see their world the way Trisha is seeing hers.

(Like I need anymore..) but thank You Lord for giving me another reason to say Hallelujah.

God DOES heal because God DID heal Trisha.

At 9:01 p.m., Blogger jaz & les ghag said...

Dude, sweet story. God is GOOD.

At 1:51 p.m., Blogger drewology said...


Two weeks ago at our youth service I felt compelled to prayer for a girl in our group named Renee. She had told me that day that she had been really sick and the Doctors could not explain it. I grabbed Reuben and we prayed for healing.

This past Friday I shared your story of Trisha in my sermon and after the service, Renee came up to me and told me that she had been diagnosed with RA as well. She went on to say that after we prayed for her (two weeks previous) she had felt better but thought nothing of it until her next Dr appointment. The RA was GONE!!! The Doctors could not explain it so they rediagnosed her (sound familiar) with some ear infection bug. Whatever the case, just like Trisha, God healed her. It's amazing how God works. It was the story of Trisha the helped Renee put the pieces together that God had healed her.


At 6:24 p.m., Blogger Paul & Wanda Moores said...

The Drew, The Trev, make sure Darcy hears this stuff. These are awesome testimonies.

At 3:28 p.m., Blogger Lori Ann said...

Hey Ginny! Just thought I would say hello. You have been on my mind since my mom, brenda thomas, told me her and my dad joe were going to squamish to celebrate your grandmas 75th birthday. Sadly there wasn't enough room in the car for me. I trust that things are going well for you and you husband. If you want to check out my blogspot, it can be found at
So take care, and keep in touch.
Lori Ann Thomas. (Brenda and Joes youngest kid)


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